Thursday, July 27, 2006

Eliza Wells

Yesterday I went to go see my mom. My mom had a stroke a week ago. When she initially had it, she didn't even know she had one. She told us that she passed out, and when she woke up, her right eye was bothering her and she couldn't see out of it. Ofcourse she didn't go to the hospital right afterwards. Instead she hung out in the streets for a few more days. Her eye was like that for about four days before she went to the hospital to see what was wrong.

They ran some tests on her and determined she had a stroke. Luckily her eye is doing much better and she can see out of it. However, it is droopy. Overall her condition is good. It could be a lot worse, considering she waited so long to go to the hospital. Laying in the bed with my mom.

She is so silly. Why did she say she hopes she gets out before the weekend and she got mad at me because I got her french fries without salt. She is so stubborn! It's not funny, but then again it is. My mom has high blood pressure and because she hadn't been taking her medicine, she had a stroke.

I was talking to my mom about Monique's appearance on the view. Barbara Walters asked her why she doesn't shave her legs. Well apparently my mom doesn't either. Why did my mom say, that southern black men do not like for their women to shave their legs? Then she put me of the phone with this guy she is dating to validate She is so crazy. Anyway, she called herself showing my her "sexy hairy leg", so I took a pic of

I saw my mom twice yesterday because she hates the hosptial food so I brought her lunch and dinner.

I saw this cute display box on the way out of the hospital. It was a picture of a slave and her grady card. I believe her name was Eliza Wells.
That's not a mustache, it's the glare from the display box. She was a really pretty woman.
I forgot that I had this pic. Yep, her n ame was Eliza Wells or is that Webb?